Now though it seems that I'm about to get my fair share with reports suggesting LA Galaxy will play a friendly in Jakarta at the end of November. Whether it happens or not it remains to be seen, and against who it remains to be seen.
Will it be worth going? A mid week evening game in the heart of Jakarta, pissing down with rain in the rainy season, standing in a sodden Bung Karno surrounded by day trippers and screaming pubescents taking pictures of anything on the pitch that has white skin, excitedly sending messages to their friends telling them breathlessly Becks waved at them, asking the guy next to them what colour shirt Beckham is wearing, a 1001 handphones with pissy cameras being used to capture the moment and You Tube being flooded with numpties and the moment they got close to the aging super star.
Think I'll give it a miss...
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