DPMM Bid For SLeague Return

Story today out of Singapore suggests DPMM will be applying for a return to the SLeague next year. The Brunei team of course played in the SLeague back in 2009 and did most unSLeague like things like producing match day programmes and having an atmosphere at home and away games.

They also won the League Cup and were on course to win the SLeague before FIFA kicked them out because they were smaller than Indonesia.

The SLeague will look different next year already, not sure that's the best English usage in the world, because Young Lions will compete in Malaysia and their equivalent, Harimau Muda will play in Singapore.

There has been talk of a team from Sembawang wanting to apply while Paul Parker, TV pundit and former England international, has talked of bringing an English team over.

If DPMM and Sembawang (does this mean Nine Onions?) are accepted then there is no logical reason why the SLeague cannot expand to 14 teams, something I've frequently argued for, playing each other home and away, and not the current nonsense with 12 teams meeting each other thrice.

Certainly something needs to be done with the game in Singapore. The fans are staying away in droves despite the excitement being served up on the field and there is no denying having Harimau Muda and DPMM would certainly add some spice.

The last 14 SLeague games, every game played this month in other words plus last three from August, have been played out in front of crowds of less than 1,000. Often significantly less. The FA's response so far has been an online survey which requires people to leave a contact detail...if you're not on line or if you don't wanna leave a contact detail then your opinion counts for shit.


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